Project info
Last year a local garden center and Christmas tree nurser called in our help for supplying and installing a 0,5 million liter water tank, measuring 12,80 x 3,81 meter. This nursery was in need of a water tank to support the irrigation of the plants in the garden center, and to a smaller extent, the 4000 Christmas trees he has. The plants untill then got irrigated by water from a small pond and by water from the ditch. Some plants needs to be irrigated twice a day in the summer and with the drier springs and summers the nursery sometimes noticed the quantity of available is not satisfactory for the amount of plants and their needs. The 4000 Christmas trees on his terrain, especially when just planted and when still young trees, need a little support now and then. Especially when rain fall is scarce.
A water tank was installed to enlarge the availability of irrigation water. The water tank will collect rain water and will still periodically pump up water from the ditch.
This project was a very special one for NPI, because for the first time in history we delivered and installed a water tank in our very own neighbourhood. Most of our tanks travel to the other side of the world before they got erected. This was a perfect project for our indoor welding team to get extra on the job outdoor installation training. Also great for our media team, that was present during installation for shooting dronevideos, photo and film material!